• Healthcare Access

    I am committed to the belief that every Hoosier has the right to quality healthcare, advocating for accessible, affordable, and comprehensive healthcare for all residents of Indiana, regardless of income, background, or pre-existing conditions. Recognizing a healthy community as essential for a thriving state, I aim to remove barriers such as high premiums, insufficient insurance coverage, and geographic limitations that hinder access to healthcare. My goal is to enhance healthcare access statewide, by fixing the Affordable Care Act, and focusing on rural and underserved areas. Additionally, I am dedicated to addressing the mental health crisis by increasing funding for mental health services and substance abuse treatment. My stance is for inclusive, equitable, and compassionate healthcare policies, envisioning a healthcare system that meets the needs of every Hoosier and contributes to a healthier, more prosperous Indiana.

  • Veteran Affairs

    I am deeply committed to supporting veterans, recognizing their significant sacrifices for our nation. My goal is to ensure they receive the highest level of support and recognition in Indiana. This commitment extends beyond words to actionable policies and resources addressing healthcare, education, employment, and mental health. I advocate for improved healthcare access for veterans, especially for war-related physical and psychological injuries, including efficient access to VA facilities and expanded telehealth services. Recognizing the importance of education and employment in veterans' reintegration, I support job training, education benefits, and tailored employment opportunities. Additionally, I am dedicated to addressing homelessness and mental health issues among veterans, advocating for increased funding for mental health services, substance abuse treatment, and affordable housing. I believe honoring our veterans is a collective responsibility, and my vision is to make Indiana a state where every veteran is respected, supported, and valued.

  • Education Reform

    I am dedicated to advancing education reform in Indiana, emphasizing the need for a quality education system that equips children for future challenges. This involves ensuring access to top-notch schools with modern facilities and skilled teachers for all children, regardless of location. I propose increased funding for public education to enhance school infrastructure, reduce class sizes, and provide fair compensation for teachers, acknowledging their vital role in our children’s development. Supporting the expansion of early childhood education is also a priority to establish a solid learning foundation. Addressing educational disparities is crucial to guarantee equal opportunities for success for every child. Emphasizing technology integration in classrooms, I aim to prepare students with essential digital skills for today’s world. Additionally, the mental health and well-being of students are paramount, necessitating comprehensive mental health education and adequate counseling services in schools. Overall, education reform is seen as a fundamental investment in Indiana's future, striving to create an inclusive, innovative, and motivating educational environment for all children.

  • Agriculture

    I am dedicated to nurturing Indiana's agricultural sector, recognizing its critical contribution to our economy and community life. My commitment is to support and respect agriculture as a cornerstone of Hoosier life. My approach includes advocating for sustainable farming to benefit the environment and ensure farmers' long-term success. I champion policies aiding small and family farms, preserving Indiana's rural heritage. Further, I aim to foster agricultural education and innovation, focusing on crop diversity, soil health, and adapting to market and climate changes. I support initiatives linking farmers directly with consumers, like local farmers' markets and farm-to-table programs, to bolster the economy and provide access to fresh, local produce. Additionally, I advocate for fair trade policies that safeguard Indiana's agricultural interests. My pledge is a tireless effort to advance agriculture in Indiana, focusing on sustainability, innovation, and fairness.